FIVB World Championship 2017

Friday, 26 June 2015

Start of the World Championships 2015

Hi all you beach fanatics out there,
after a very long time (quite one year and a half) that I didn't manage to update this blog (and to play beachvolleyball), I hope that it is not too late to get it going again, to inform the small beachvolley community in Luxembourg and in the greater region.
2014 was a tough year, with some injury problems and resulting of this, a very long period of total inactivity. Then, 2014, as well as 2015, were marked by some very important personal and family affairs, as well on Vanessa's side than on mine, and so the Lucertola Beach Team is still for the moment in complete inactivity. But, as we are still young (more or less), we hope and plan to be back seriously on the courts in 2016, letting us the 2015 summer and the following winter to get back in shape before attacking the mikasa on the sand.
So, I told myself, that it would be a nice idea to first start my blogging activity once again and today, 26th of June seems to be a very good day, as today the 2015 Beachvolleyball World Championship will start in the Netherlands !!
I put a link to the official site for an easy access, to help you a little bit to follow
the schedule and the results of the games. Then, here you find also a direct link to the FIVB Web TV, where you can normally watch all the games.
As for the Championships in 2005, 2007, 2001 and 2013, I planned to go to the Netherlands not to miss this big event, but beside the new 32-Teams-Single-KO-Playing mode, the FIVB invented a new organisation mode with four different cities helding the games, so that it is very hard to follow some of your favorite teams. This, combined to the single KO mode, makes it really very hard to see a lot and to get in the mood. And above all, the FIVB changed its commercial philosophy, so that you have to pay for every game, even in the qualifying round, with quite expensive prices (Complete pass for all the games was announced for 260 EUR - a 1-day ticket is approximately 15-20 EUR).
So, you see less, are hurrying around and pay definitely too much - not a good deal.
If traditionally Beachvolleyball (as are the surfing sports) was not guided primarily by commercial aspects, it seems that this time has passed....and that's very sad. Our sport is starting to get victim of its success.
But, without putting money, you still can follow the games on the internet - so go for it - and enjoy fully our so beloved and spectacular sport, at the world's best level.
See you soon....on a court
For the Lucertola Beach Team....

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