after a very long season, it's time for some holidays and some relaxing time. The beach season 2007 is now over but please don't cry - the next one is coming very soon.

Personally, I will use the months of october, november and december to do some fitness training (running, biking,...) and play Indoor-Volleyball once a week in Walferdange, just to stay in contact with a volleyball in winter.
After that, the beginning of the new year will start with some specific power training for beachvolleyball (twice a week) and with 2-3 practices a month in a Beachvolleyball-hall.
As the first training camp will be probably end of march, this leaves the necessary time for a 3-months physical preparation, to be already in good shape for the camp.
And after this, in April the new beachvolley season 2008 is ready to start.
For 2008, I hope that the weather in Luxembourg will be a lot better than this year. And that it will be possible to organise all together some beachvolleyball events:
Training camps in Montpellier
Participation in tournaments in Luxembourg and abroad
Visit of a Swatch Tournament in Europe
For suggestions, don't hesitate to write me an e-mail ( or leave a comment on my blog.
Hope seing you soon,
Ciao tutti
La lucertola
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