FIVB World Championship 2017

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Season has finally started in Luxembourg

Even if the weather is really good for beachvolleyball only for two, three days now, two events made the new beachvolley season 2013 start for real.
First, the 2013 GSSE in Luxembourg the last week of may, saw the luxemburgish teams get a nice 4th place at the men's competition with a lot of fighting spirit from Ben and Djamel, despite their great lack of experience and a really wonderful silver medal for the ladies, Anne Grethen and Norma Zambon, for their apparently last tournament of their carreer, despite big injury worries for Anne after the semi-final and a very strong opponent from Cyprus, in the game for gold. Will there be a life without beachvolleyball for Anne and Norma? It's hard to believe!

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Season 2013 - a difficult start in Luxembourg

Hi beachvolleyfans,

weather was always a difficult subject in Luxembourg, but this year it seems to be even worse. But perhaps it's a good sign for the summer that we don't have high temperatures in April and May.
Nevertheless, even here in Luxembourg, some motivated teams are already training for some weeks now on the sand and this year they will have some competitive advantage over the teams with less motivation to get their feet cold on the wet sand.

The tournament list for 2013 is now quite complete - please refer to the calendar page - and the first one - a 3x3 Mixed and 4x4 Hobby in Cessange, organized by the club of VC Bonnevoie is only 1 week away. Good news that finally there is a club ready to start the tournament season in May, helping extend the duration of the season that has been quite short for the last years.

As usually, the tournament calendar in Luxembourg is very full from beginning of June to mid august and hopefully for the organizers, the weather god will have some pity, sending sunny weather for the weekends.

Beside these tournaments on the luxemburgish amateur level, there will be two other events, this year, worth to be noticed.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Best New Year's Wishes

After some months without beachvolley for probably most of us and the beginning of the new year, we can see the new Beachvolleyball season 2013 approaching at the horizon, even if winter will still probably last for some weeks.

And as every season has to be seriously prepared, even on amateur level, the first plannings have to be maid between the partners of a team. Physical preparation, the first steps in the sand and perhaps one or another training camps have to be planned, before getting in the competition phase starting in may / june.

So I wish everybody good inspiration for setting up a nice planning, perhaps still under the Christmas tree and I wish all of you a very successful season with a lot of spectacular points, some tournament wins perhaps and first of all a very healthy and injurefree season.

Happy New Year
and have big fun on the courts !!